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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 8: Tuesday, April 5th Update

Our Henry is 1 week old! 
In case you didn't hear the news... we are ventilator FREE! 

As soon as I got to there this morning they were preparing to extubate him and before I knew it, it was gone!

 It was so good to see his sweet face without the ventilator. 

We were told yesterday that he'd probably need to be put on the CPAP machine again.  They decided to let him try breathing with just a nasal cannula, as seen above.  He did okay, but his little throat was just too inflamed from the tubing down his throat so he was having to work too hard to breathe.  After about an hour they decided to give him a couple breathing treatments to try to decrease the inflammation and also placed him back on the CPAP.  We are still thrilled to be without a ventilator!  That is huge! 

Adjusting to his CPAP
They also pulled out his UAC line into his umbilical cord.  Now that they won't need to draw blood as often they wanted it out to limit risk of infection. 

UAC free!

His feedings are still going great, and they've increased his milk to 21cc's. 

I just called to check on him tonight and all is well.. His nurse Mia even put the phone next to him so I could say goodnight.  :) 

Looking forward to see what tomorrow holds for our little fighter. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Week Birthday, Henry! Thanks for the continued posts so those of us far away can keep up with you. Continuous prayers still flying your way. Much love!
    Emily Gipson
