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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Henry is 2 months old!

Our little guy is already 2 months old!  He has grown A LOT in this past month- proving that he can come from behind and catch up!  Our pedi was very pleased with his growth and once again said he would never guess Henry had such a rough start to life- he has no evidence of past respiratory distress whatsoever.  Praise God!

Here are his 2 month stats:

Weight: 11lbs 14 oz (57%ile)
Height:  23in (51%ile)
Head Circumference:  15" (11%ile)

We are really enjoying this little cuddle bug- he still wants to be held constantly and is happiest laying on our chests.

Some new things he's doing:
Holding his head up really well
Can put all his weight on his legs 
Sleeping almost through the night!  Sleeps 5-7 hours straight.  Yay!
Loves being outside
And ..the BEST new thing he has started this month is SMILING and little giggles. 

Henry's 1st smiles caught via iPhone!
(Can you tell I hold him in my lap all day?)

Our perfectly chubby, loveable 2 month old!
 Time is really starting to fly by and each day Henry is more wonderful than before.  I'm holding on to this precious little boy real tight because he has proven that he won't be tiny forever! 

1 comment:

  1. look at his cheeks!! i love them! :) becki, it was really great to see you yesterday!

