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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 3 Thursday March 31st

6am update

We have good news. The PICC line IV went in successfully last night and is now a better way to administer the IV.

Last night they gave him a third dose of surfactant and his body is accepting it and it will hopefully continue to help heal his lungs.

They did a GAS (blood test) test and the seven levels including co2, oxygen, and other elements of the blood look to be holding steady.

Just in case the doctor ordered a heart echo and great news is that everything came back normal.

*UPDATE- 9am*

The 6am update was too optimistic. The new shift doctor, Dr. Lopez came in at 8am and called our room asking us to come up to the NICU. She spent about an hour explaining what I am going to try and summarize in a couple of paragraphs.
His 3rd dose of surfactant wasn't as effective as they'd hoped. He is now requiring 100% oxygen from his current ventilator. She explained that babies deficient in surfactant usually start producing it on their own around 48 hours of life. They aren't going to administer more doses because it could have an adverse effect.

Henry has developed PHTN-Pulmonary Hypertension which is abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. We want his blood pressure to be higher in his body than the lungs so his blood will flow into the lungs, giving him more oxygen.

In hopes of improving his condition, they are going to switch his current ventilator to a larger heavy duty machine called an oscillator.

They will monitor the new ventilator for a couple of hours and will likely start the following.

1) Give him more fluids to try to raise his blood pressure in the body.
2) Start Antibiotics as a precautionary measure. They are taking blood from his UAC line in his umbilical cord to test for infection.
3) Continue Dopamine to help force the blood pressure up and encourage blood flow into the lungs.
4) More morphine to make him as comfortable as possible. They are stressing that he needs to be in a very calm and quiet environment.
5) Possibly administer Nitric Oxide which will dilate the vessels in lungs and will relax the muscles in the lungs.

Goals for today
-Get his oxygen as high as possible in his body

Good news
Dr. Lopez has secured us a room provided by the Ronald McDonald house in the hospital, which is a hotel just across the hall. There are twin beds there and friends and family can visit during the day... including Charlie! This is an amazing service that will allow us to be close by Henry and as comfortable as possible, while still letting visitors come in.

Dr. Lopez also says that Pulmonary Hypertension is an illness of recovery.

She said to expect 4 to 5 rough days leading into the recovery. While he is in critical condition, this is a common course for Respiratory Distress Syndrome and unfortunately will probably get worse before he can get better. It was nice to hear facts and good to be told straight forward that he will be critical for the next ~5 days, but hopefully after that his body will start to take over and improve.

Keep the prayers coming! We'll update more as we hear the news. Things change very rapidly.


  1. Oh no! I hope that little Henry makes a quick recovery and that you and the rest of your family are also doing well! He is gorgeous by the way!

  2. Hi Guys,

    We're praying for y'all. We can take care of the dogs for as long as needed. I send you guys so many hugs and prayers.

  3. Good news! I have typed medical transcription for the past 8 years now and I am very impressed with the level of care and explanation you guys are getting from your hospital staff. You guys are in a very good place for little Henry right now. He is getting great physical care and it is very obvious he is getting the love he needs from you two. Good job, guys. Sending love and positive thoughts yours and Henry's (and Charlie's) way. PS. I am now officially captivated by your sweet little family!

  4. We are praying for y'all, along with many others all across the state/country. - Kyle

  5. We are constantly covering Henry in prayer!!! Know that you guys are constantly in our thoughts and we will be your prayer warriors. God is fighting for baby Henry and I know he will be strong enough to handle all of this on his own very soon!! Stay strong mama & daddy, know that you have so much LOVE surrounding you!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! xoxo

  6. PS- Henry is just the most beautiful baby!!! Love his sweet precious face!!

  7. Much love Henry! I'm looking forward to taking him to Minute Maid park to watch the Lastros play Lance (TRAITOR!) Berkman play for the Cards :-)

  8. I've been thinking and praying for you guys since Tuesday. Wish there was more I could do to help. But the good news is uplifting and hopefully Henry will continue to be strong and improve. Many hugs to all of you...

  9. The NICU at Hermann is excellent! I was scared out of my mind when Alex was there, but they patched him up perfectly (as you know). I'm praying for a speedy recovery. I know it all seems surreal. Thank you for the updates.
    Sending big hugs to you all!

  10. Dear Becki and Trey, Thank you so much for the updates on Henry. It is so loving that you would think of all of us who are pulling for baby Henry and love him and all of you so much. He is beautiful...even pretty (if I can say that without getting in trouble). My prayers are with Henry and also with all of you...for strength and comfort and wisdom. My prayers are also with the doctors. Please know how much your family means to me... I love Henry's grammy and all of you...and sweet Henry. Love, Linda

  11. Becki, Trey, and Charlie:

    Baby Henry and you all are lifted up in my prayers as you are going through this. I want you to know that Henry is in the best care at the hospital. You know I was just down this same path 9 months ago when Landon was born and had to be admitted into NICU for those same "grunting" noises. He stayed there for 2 weeks and look at him now! It's very painful to see Henry with all those tubes and needles in him while you, the parents, look at him helpless. Continue to talk to him, hold him and rub him for he knows you are there.


  12. We love you guys! Stay strong, and lean on your friends and family for support. Big Bro Charlie, I'm sure, is keeping you smiling.

  13. You guys are amazingly strong. Thank goodness for amazing medical care. Thanks for updating...we are really hoping to hear good news....let Kelly or I know if we can bring you food or anything else...

  14. I am thinking of you too! Hopefully Henry will get better soon and you will get to go strong! Lots of love from Brussels to all of you and a big big hug to Becki!
