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Monday, November 15, 2010

Loving Two

**Hormone Alert!**  **Hormone Alert!**  **Hormone Alert!**

As my pregnancy is progressing & is now halfway over, I've found myself really emotional and nervous about having a 2nd child.  Don't get me wrong- Trey & I are thrilled to be bringing another precious child into this world and I cannot wait to meet this tiny miracle growing & moving inside me!  However- I'm anxious at the thought of having to share my love and attention between two children, and worried how Charlie may react to it all.  I don't want him ever to feel less loved by me.  And will I even be able to love this baby as much?  It just doesn't seem possible!  Thanks to all of my sweet friends who assure me that love doesn't divide- It multiplies. 

I stumbled across this poem & after I bawled like a baby, I realized that I am not the only mother to have felt this way & this is probably how our story will end as well. Until then, I'm planning on enjoying the miracle of pregnancy and the little solo time I have left with my precious Charlie Jack.

Loving Two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship. Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited. And I wonder: how could I ever love another child as I love you?

Then he is born, and I watch you. I watch the pain you feel at having to share me as you’ve never shared me before.

I hear you telling me in your own way, “Please love only me”. And I hear myself telling you in mine, “I can’t”, knowing, in fact, that I never can again.

You cry. I cry with you. I almost see our new baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared. A relationship we can never quite have again.

But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty. I’m afraid to let you see me enjoying him, as though I am betraying you.

But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.

More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine. The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.

But something else is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just us two. There are new times – only now, we are three. I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.

I watch how he adores you – as I have for so long. I see how excited you are by each of his new accomplishments. And I begin to realize that I haven’t taken something from you- I’ve given something to you. I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you.

I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong. And my question is finally answered, to my amazement. Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you – only differently.

And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I now know you’ll never share my love. There’s enough of that for both of you – you each have your own supply.

I love you – both. And I thank you both for blessing my life.

--Author Unknown


  1. so sweet Becki! I wonder that same thing to when our 2nd one comes along!

  2. Such a sweet poem, made me tear up too. Audrey is only 4 months old and I wonder the exact same thing. I love her so much that I think we should stop at one baby because there is no way I could love another as much as her. But, I know one day I will be in your shoes and feeling a bit fearful and worried and apprehensive. But like the poem said, you aren't taking anything from them, you are giving them something. I love it. Charlie is so independent that I have no doubt he will take to the new baby wonderfully and won't give you a second to feel guilty. I cannot wait to watch your little family grow. And I cannot wait to be in OK so I can drive to TX and see you guys more often!!!
